Results Day 2021 and the Start of a New Academic Year

Posted: 9th August 2021

Head of Admissions

We catch up with Head of Admissions, Sam Hollingshead, ahead of a very busy period, to talk about how Bath Academy help students achieve higher grades, plans for September 2021, and what a typical admissions period looks like.

“It can be a confusing and stressful time, especially this year, and we are here to reassure students and parents by giving specialist advice in navigating their next steps..”

What does the typical ‘enrolment’ period look like at Bath Academy?   

This year, given the difficulties students have endured, there are many with worries about centre assessed grades or the impact on progress made during their studies. We welcome students/parents to contact the college to discuss possible solutions at Bath Academy with myself or the Principal. As we do not have set times of the year set aside for prospective students to visit, our approach is ‘every day is an open day’ at the college.

How does Bath Academy help students who want to achieve higher grades to get to their desired University?  

Given the unstable academic environment students have endured over the past 18 months, some students have not received the support they needed, which has significantly impacted their studies and anticipated results.

At Bath Academy, students undertake the Morrisby Careers Assessment and a Cognitive Aptitude Test which outlines each student’s potential at the start of the year. Student attainment is monitored through mock exams under exam conditions in each subject, each week, to continually track the student’s subject understanding and exam technique and plan appropriate support and intervention.

What is happening on Results Day this year and how are you guiding students? 

On results day our expert educational advisors will be on hand to answer any questions students may have. It can be a confusing and stressful time, especially this year, and we are here to reassure students and parents by giving specialist advice in navigating their next steps, whether to target competitive universities by taking an academic gap year to improve their A Level grades by re-sitting, or taking a short, intensive ‘reset’ course to prepare for the exams in the autumn. Uncertain times require expert advice when making such important decisions.

We are a small, friendly college and pride ourselves on being approachable. We encourage potential students to arrange a chat with the Principal, VP, or myself to provide recommendations about the appropriate course of action, in a non-judgmental and open environment.

How else do you support student development at Bath Academy?   

As a tutorial college, small teaching groups are tailored to the individual’s requirements. Each student works with a personal tutor who will ensure their academic progress is on track, and students are supported with all other aspects such as: pastoral issues, UCAS applications or careers advise. Alongside the academic support, our student personal development programme continues to develop year on year. This will be offered both in person and online with the support of Bath Academy Staff and external speakers.

What have you put in place for September 2021?  

We are all set for September! Throughout the pandemic, we have continued to run a full timetable for students with all classes being held ‘live’ with their teacher and Personal Tutors. Whilst we are hopeful that 2021 and 2022 will see less external disruption, our teaching staff and support staff are well placed to support the students regardless.

For more helpful information on our Results Day tips, please click here.


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